Once a little girl asked her Godfather to make her a gift that would be with her always and everywhere, which she would remember, wherever she was ... just like "Stars in the Sky".
It was a serious task for the Godfather to fulfil.
“What is it - a star like gift? What can be always there and bring joy? Doll? Dress? - the Godfather wondered. As the time will pass my little girl will grow up as well... So what kind of gift would suite best my baby girl? Well, of course, a precious one! - Godfather exclaimed joyfully! "
And after a while he began to transform this wonderful idea into reality.
This is how the little girl became the inspiration for the brand of precious gifts for children and parents, the creator of which was her Godfather.
She received her cherished gift. It is always with her, because it is filled with the love of a dear person.
UMa & UMi is a brand born under the Starry Sky. Precious gifts for important events in the lives of children and parents, which will always remind you of precious moments of joy and happiness.With love...
My dear "Little Star"
Children were and will be inspirers of our brand. The team of the world's leading jewellery designers and craftsmen embodies the fantasies, dreams and desires of children and parents at different stages of their life in products. The experience of the European team has been accumulated by specialists at all stages of creation and production of UMa & UMi collections.The Star Bear Cubs became the artistic image and emblem of the UMa & UMi brand: Uma is a mother and Umi is her child representing Ursa Major and Ursa Minor constellations written in international abbreviation. As a loving mother always takes care of her child, so we consider it be our mission to create precious gifts for children and parents that will keep important moments of life memorable and protect the family values and traditions of every home.
UMa & UMi is the embodiment of love and tenderness, which we carry throughout our lives as the most precious value once received from our parents and close people.